Equites Park Cornubia

Industrial to let in Cornubia

Property specs

Address: Tottum Road, Cornubia, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal

Price: R78.00/

GLA: 13,790 - 31,200

Units: 4


Property in Cornubia, Durban Situated on the R102 which gives excellent access to the N2 and the M41 and M25 Labour pool within close proximity. The park offers flexibility for users requiring access to the North, West and the South. King Shaka International Airport 13km to the North The Durban Harbour is situated less than an hour away to the South Plenty of secondary routes and alternative traffic options are available Modern infrastructure, fibre optic cabling. Ample power within the park. Landscaped park and managed by the Property Owners Association. Existing estate tenants include Hirt & Carter, Digistics, Cargo Compass and more. Tenants enjoy access to FREE solar generated power


These units are available in this building

Unit IDGLAPriceCategorySubdivisible
31,200R78.00/ IndustrialNo
30,594R78.00/ IndustrialNo
16,175R78.00/ IndustrialNo
13,790R78.00/ IndustrialNo

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